The PT-19 was a primary pilot training aircraft of WWII. Army Air Forces pilot training in WWII was conducted under the Aviation Cadet program. It consisted of three phases. The first phase, Primary Training (PT), was conducted in inexpensive, easy-to-fly aircraft which were designed to build pilot confidence while quickly screening out people who had little aptitude for flying. The second and third phases, termed Basic Training (BT) and Advanced Training (AT), employed aircraft with greater performance and complexity. Cadets learned to fly in adverse weather, perform maneuvers, conduct navigation and develop combat skills in these phases. The letters in training aircraft designators matched the category of flying they were supporting: PT, BT and AT.
This aircraft was built in the Fairchild plant in Hagerstown, Maryland, and went to the USAAF on May 28, 1943. In June, it was used in a contract flying school, and in October 1944 was first assigned to Chickasha MAP, Oklahoma, before going to Greenville, TX for its final USAAF assignment. It was deemed surplus in May 1945 and sent to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for disposal.
This aircraft had many civilian owners before being donated to the National Museum of World War II Aviation in the fall of 2019.