Champion Aerospace Tours the National Museum of World War II Aviation
February 10, 2021
Colorado Springs—Dan Massett, Champion Aerospace Business Development Manager—Piston and Power, visited the National Museum of World War II Aviation on Tuesday, February 9th. This was the Dan’s first visit since joining the Champion Aerospace team in November 2020.
Champion Aerospace is a leading global designer, producer and supplier of aircraft ignition system technology and airframe power solutions for use on nearly all commercial, piston and military aircraft in service today. Champion ignition components powered the Wright brothers first powered flight in 1903 and have continued to power the skies ever since.
Champion Aerospace is a leading sponsor of the National Museum of World War II Aviation’s “Keep ‘em Flying” program, which helps keep the museum’s flying World War II aircraft in the air.

Dan Massett, Champion Aerospace Business and Development Manager